Legislation been filed to end breed bans in the state of Iowa!

Contact your state lawmakers today and ask them to help end breed-specific legislation!

Ask your State Senator to vote YES on House File 651!

Learn more about this legislation and the next steps here.

Protect dogs. 
Protect families. 
Protect personal property rights.

Less than 10% of Iowa counties ban or restrict dogs based on their breed or appearance. These laws are ineffective and do not protect public safety. Instead, they tear families and communities apart for no cause. 

Help end breed bans in Iowa by asking your elected officials to end breed bans today!

What we believe:

The overwhelming majority of animal welfare organizations, animal shelters, rescues, and veterinarian organizations that serve every corner of Iowa all agree... breed bans don't work, but strong and enforceable dangerous animal laws do.

Our proposal is this: Repeal all breed-specific legislation (B.S.L.) in the state and replace it with breed-neutral laws that judge dogs on their behavior, not their looks or breed. 

22 states across the country currently have laws on the books that prevent breed bans from being enforced. In addition to repealing local breed bans, we also want Iowa to be the next state to outlaw breed bans.

Which organizations support ending B.S.L. in Iowa?

Don't see your animal welfare organization on this list? Email info@iowansagainstbsl.com to be added!

How you can help:

Speak up

Does your town have a breed ban? Ask your city council to repeal it and adopt a breed-neutral ordinance. 

You can also contact your state lawmakers directly to ask them to outlaw breed bans. You can find their contact information here.

Show your support

Purchase an "Iowans Against Breed Bans" shirt and other fundraiser merchandise for yourself or a friend.

Any and all proceeds from the sale of these items will be donated to the Iowa nonprofit animal shelters and rescues  to help with costs associated with emergency intakes from communities with breed bans.


Add your name

Add your name to our list of supporters.

We're stronger together. By joining our voices and speaking up as one unified group, we CAN make change happen.

Add your name and contact info (we will keep you updated about our efforts) below!

Did you know?

Breed bans in Iowa include many types of dogs, including Rottweilers, German Shepherds,
Huskies, Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinchers, as well as mixes of those dogs. Some communities even ban dogs "over 100 pounds." 

These bans fail to take individual dogs' actual behaviors and often rely only on "similar physical characteristics."

By adding your name to our list of Iowans Against Breed Bans,  we can remove them all and give Iowans and their pets the freedom to live in peace,  regardless of where in the state they call home. 

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Thank you for adding your name to our list of supporters! We'll be in touch when there are opportunities for you to help us take action.

We're glad you're on our team.

The only way we're going to end breed-specific legislation in Iowa is by speaking up together.

Add your name to the list of Iowans who support ending breed bans throughout the state using this form. 

We'll never spam you or sell your information. We will help keep you up-to-date about our work and how you can help!

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